How can I test Weakrisk Sports Solutions or One Only Pro version?
By registering on our website, you can access, with your USER NAME and PASSWORD, to our demo on which you can put in data or your club’s athletes to test each simulation. We suggest, if you are really interested and in order to fully and immediately understand the potential of our product, to ask us for an online DEMO through ZOOM or Skipe with an already pre-compiled version.
How long does the free demo?
The free demo of Weakrisk Sports Solutions lasts up to 3 weeks! Remember that after a few months, any data entered will be deleted in case of no subscription.
Weakrisk Sports Solutions only works on my computer?
Weakrisk Sport Solution is a cloud-based software and there is nothing installed on your PC but it can be accessed wherever you are, via the web or via a computer, tablet or smart-phone.
Weakrisk Sports Solutions has some limits in putting data ? How many teams can I insert?
Weakrisk Sports Solutions offers the opportunity to put in an incredible amount of data, photographs, medical reports or documents: it can contain up to 300 gigabytes.Of course after several seasons, if you reach this limit, better to save data locally to have the opportunity to insert others. You can insert as many teams as you want. Just the licence One Only Pro manage 1 team only.
It scare me the thought of losing the data entered: have you got some way to be protected?
Certainly! Our company pays a daily back up service to the Farm hosting us on its servers, so the worst case that can happen, will be a copy of previous day of your data.
My teammates have the APP of my team, how can I get it me too and what I can see on my profile?
Very easy! You access to Apple Store or Google Play and download free the APP of your team; sign up and get the access to your profile to see all information pertaining to your football career as a true top player
But definitely I can rate my performance and give a vote to my match?
Certainly, he can give an objective grade to his game, this is a sign of great maturity and a way to express a critical opinion to his test. It’s clearly an option for the little ones!
Does exist an area dedicated to scouting?
Yes, it was made in collaboration with professional clubs and it has a fantastic Top Player function for immediate research for the role of the best profiles.
Is Weakrisk Sport Solutions or the other licences expensive?
Absolutely not. We offer the choice between different solutions, depending on your needs and budget!We ask only, for a reliability of our customer, at least a three-year subscription!We start from a basic module, to which you can add different modules according to your own needs, up to the most complete: the PRO solution!
Do you also provide training?
Yes, we do, because it is our main interest that clubs make the best use of our software and for this reason, we have included some training days in the initial cost. For the One Only Pro the training is just on line or only on request!
I read that it has an area dedicated to external loads, can it be interfaced with any GPS?
Yes, there is no problem. You can work with any GPS model.
And for the youth sector?
There will be a test area, evaluation forms, data saving and archiving of each category, graphical radar report and graph or comparison for each single player with the superior category.
How long does the One Only Pro license last?
The license is annual for 12 months and renewable from year to year.
Can I add more or new teams to my One Only Pro license if I change teams?
Changing team you will keep all your previous data, because this will be from now on your working tool to which you will hardly give up, for this reason, being pertinent to the staff, the license is never invoiced to the football club but to a staff member.
I am a young coach and I train the U12 which solution do you recommend?
The One Only Pro Junior license, the same one they use in italian series A but with a limited cost, because it does not have the external load module (GPS).
Hello, I am a parent of two children who attend a soccer club that uses your software. I wanted to ask if having two children there is a way to register 2 profiles on the same app. Thank you
Each APP is personal and records a unique profile with an attached email that as the tax code is unique and identifies the athlete and only one athlete, always in the same APP the athlete receives his Push communications. So two athletes, two different profiles, two different convocations for the matches, two different medical areas etc. etc.
But who are the Apps for and who uses them?
The App downloadable from the Apple store or Google place are available only to players, instead technical staff executives can still use the Smart Phone to access the management system.
Does WeakRisk Sport Solutions handle internal and external loads?
Of course, internal loads such as GQR TIA (TreS), VAS, TQR, BORG CR10 and of course interfaces with any GPS for external loads. Ad Hoc pages and algorithms for injury prevention and acute and chronic load management.
Is there a function to import all the names, athletes, managers, coaches and technical staff in one go?
Of course,we have an ad hoc function that allows you to import hundreds of data in one click using a simple Excel file.