What is Weakrisk Academy Solutions ?
This is the version of WeakRisk Sport Solutions extended to Academies or affiliates of a football club. This version gives them access to a product used by prestigious Italian Serie A clubs at an affordable cost.
The economic sustainability of this plan, for the main club substantially no cost, is supported by the training provided to the affiliates by WeakRisk and by a marketing deal between WeakRisk and the main club.

The needs of the academies, that go beyond those of the main club, as: secretary, scheduling of medical examinations, football school fees, facilities and dressing rooms, technical area with training and match calls, medical area for the management of injuries with all the predictive graphs and algorithms for the youth sector, warehouse management, economic area for accounting management, will be of their own exclusive use.
WeakRisk Solutions Academies benefits.
- Faithfullness of any affiliated clubs, by offering them a tool otherwise in exclusive use to professional clubs, at an affordable cost
- Online check, by just a click, of activities, tests, injuries, recoveries, for every single athlete of each affiliated clubs.
- Rise of affiliated clubs, due to the attractiveness of the agreement, both in technical and economic terms
- Opportunity to increase the discovery of new talents on a constantly monitored large group of athletes: it means scouting substantially no cost.
- Centralized scouting management, following guidelines traced by the main club
- Chance to enforce first and subsequently verify, training methods, specific tests, load management, recoveries after fatigues and injuries
- Real-time vision, without misunderstandings, of all the physical or psychological problems of athletes deemed interesting for the main club, even if operating in clubs hundreds of kilometers faraway
- Possibility to parameterise all single athlete data, playing in an affiliated club, with same age ones playing for the main team, or even with athletes playing for an older team, in order to valuate a call to the main club, maintaining data continuity for all this period
- A potential and important economic profit for sponsorships through banners on APP supplied to players of the affiliated clubs.
Stop with reports, assessments, local visits and many resources spent on managing several contacts. We will be in a new era, with a real online interaction, direct and prompt within a maximum transparency.
Weakrisk Academy Solutions is the needful digital innovation, to make the amount of data collected daily functional, optimizing the time and providing important feedback both to the technical staff and the players too.
Weakrisk Academy Solutions is safe, simple, personal, customizable, scientific and innovative. It is the perfect tool that allows complete faithfullness and further increase of the affiliated clubs.
It allows the monitoring and management, by specific guidelines chosen according to the club’s philosophy, of all the activities of the Academies thanks to a technical project, commercially sustainable. And, very important, always in real time.
Weakrisk Academy Solutions …You are already beyond the future!