Software update – 13/02/24 System Management

In the facilities and changing room management section, a function has been added with the booking concept and the display for each pitch, daily and weekly, of all training sessions or matches related to that playing facility.
Their insertion takes place directly from the calendar where, for those in charge of planning the pitches, all they need to do is click on a cell at a certain time, causing a blue box to appear; an additional click on the green-coloured + booking box will take the user to the event creation screen and to the training or game insertion pop-up with the fields related to the facility and the start time already pre-filled, which can in any case be modified as desired, before saving.
The creation of 2 events (trainings or matches) in the same facility at the same time will not be allowed unless the shared field option is used.
The calendar view and event details will be visible to all staff, and only the sports secretariat will be able to fully edit the calendar from the field bookings.
PLEASE NOTE: If the sports secretary has ‘occupied’ the facilities, the coaching staff will find both the training or match with field and dressing room locations pertaining to their team already filled in the calendar, preventing them from creating training sessions and matches. A grey colour will highlight the ‘booked’ trainings, a green colour will highlight the filled ones, but the staff has complete autonomy to add trainings independently of the bookings.
Copy-by-date or multi-date functions will allow multiple entries to facilitate the planning of facility occupancy. Also foreseen is the allocation for visiting teams at home games, of their own dressing room. The multiple function can be eliminated as is already the case for training groups. Care must be taken by both the secretariat and the technical staff not to carelessly eliminate booking or training groups. An algorithm protects the coaching staff by only allowing the deletion of unfilled training sessions or bookings.
Print and export functions for the day and week complete this additional function, while a cursor allows you to navigate week by week.